Real Estate

Gain remote monitoring control for enhanced management of home and more. 

The ability to monitor unwanted environmental conditions is vital to the management of real estate. Whether it is a main residence, a vacation home, leased property or property that you manage for a landlord, you want warnings of potential adverse conditions and/or alarms to ensure the corrective actions are initiated timely to save the investment from costly damages or unsafe conditions. Monitoring for water intrusion, freezing temperatures, high humidity, power outages and other adverse conditions can be accomplished with Winland™ INSIGHT.INSIGHT is an automated, cloud-based, critical-condition monitoring service to the real estate industry. Winland™ devices, sensors, and INSIGHT will allow you to initiate the fastest possible resolution to unwanted environmental conditions at the location, or locations managed, to safeguard your reputation of offering safe environments to live, work or play. 

Impacted real estate areas range from commercial propertiesunattended propertiesresortsevent centershomes, and more.

Let Winland™ provide you with peace of mind so you can protect real estate investments. Discover INSIGHT, our Critical-Environment Monitoring Solution, to enable remote monitoring accesses at your convenience. Reach out to Winland™ today at or call 800-635-4269. 

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